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   buy Goethe b2, Telc C1 certificates online-Bu...
29.11.2024 11:44:20   
Are you looking for experts who can provide you with a registered Goethe a1, a2, b1, b2, c1, c2 without an exam?

Registered Goethe B2 and telc Deutsch B2 without an exam
prep courses & testing dates
Goethe C1
accepted by basically all employers

courses & exam dates
telc C1 Hochschule / TestDaF - for university studies
both for admission to universities in Germany. TestDaF and telc C1 Hochschule are equivalent (In 2016 the certificate telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule was officially recognized as proof of language skills for admission to German universities by the members of the German Rectors' and Cultural Ministers’ Conference)

TestDaF and telc C1 Hochschule without an exam

prep courses & testing dates
Goethe C2
for teachers of German and for university studies in Germany - more - prep courses & exams

TestDaF & telc: GLS is an official test center in Berlin

The GLS German language school in Berlin is a testing center for telc Deutsch certificates and TestDaF: more about prep courses and testing dates

WhatsApp(+371 204 33160)

WhatsApp(+371 204 33160)

Email :::(ligakvas@yahoo.com

Goethe or telc without an exam??

Wondering which exam to take? Read more at the bottom of this page

Goethe or telc without an exam? Which exam should I take??
Are you wondering which exam to take? What the differences are? To make it short: there are no significant differences, as both - Goethe and telc - are recognized testing bodies. Just take the exam that suits you better in terms of testing dates and/or price (telc exams tend to be cheaper than the Goethe ones).

Some background info: telc is an official testing body headquarted in Frankfurt: more. telc tests 10 languages, the Goethe Institue only German. As far as the German tests go, the testing formats are very similar, albeit not identical. Both are paper-based, with a written and an oral part.

Goethe exams can be taken only at a Goethe Institute, telc exams at testing centers worldwide. GLS is a telc testing center in Berlin

TestDaf, Goethe, telc German @ GLS Campus Berlin
GLS is a test center in Berlin
The GLS German Language School in Berlin is a test center for TestDaF & the telc German certificates for levels A1 to C2.

TestDaF BerlinTelc C1 university Berlin
German language certification
The GLS language school in Berlin gets you ready for the most important German-language certificates: TestDaF, telc German and the Goethe certificates. Do you need accommodation while doing your prep course and the exam in Berlin? Have a look at our housing options on campus!

Which certificate makes sense for me?
How long will it take me before I can do an exam?
FAQ: TestDaF & telc C1 Hochschule
preparation for TestDaF and telc C1 Hochschule (university)
Preparation courses also online!
You are not in Berlin? No problem! Our prep courses for TestDaF, telc German and Goethe certficates are available online as well - with a schedule matching your time zone!! All you need is a laptop or smartphone. Questions? We are happy to assist:

Learn German in Berlin - Book with confidence
"We are more than happy to have 270 students on campus again! Join them! You'll be safe, and you'll have fun!" Marion Feuchtenberger, GLS school...

WhatsApp(+371 204 33160)

WhatsApp(+371 204 33160)

Email :::(ligakvas@yahoo.com
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