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   Privremeno zaključane teme
9.6.2013 14:58:22   
Renata RR
Sve teme koje nisu dozvoljene za vrijeme natjecanja su privremeno zaključane. Otvorite li nove teme koje su zabranjene, ćemo ih obrisati. Više o temama koje se ne broje ( znači s njima samo gubimo vrijeme - i vi i moderatori):

Neposredna veza do poruke: 1
   RE: Privremeno zaključane teme
9.6.2013 15:22:20   
Ima novosti! Dobro proučite što nosi najviše bodova.
Zabranjene su teme Na slovo, Kaladon i slične.


PETRA 19.05.2006.
SAMUEL 19.08. 2008.
1 anđeo
REBEKA 20.07.2012.

(Odgovor članu Renata RR)
Neposredna veza do poruke: 2
   RE: Privremeno zaključane teme
9.6.2013 16:12:42   
jedva cekam da pocne, imam vec tri teme spremne.


nasa "mrvica" Ella - 04.10.2009
E very day and night
L ooking at you makes me smile
L oving you is what I do
A ll my heart belongs to you...

(Odgovor članu anne)
Neposredna veza do poruke: 3
   RE: Privremeno zaključane teme
14.6.2013 13:11:11   
Još se ja čudim kako nema kaladonta :D A dobro svejedno koristim Sensodyn pastu za zube user posted image


Ne provodite život s osobom s kojom možete živjeti, već s onom bez koje ne možete ... Marijo <3

Naša mala čudo( višta ) ... Iva <3 Rocky

(Odgovor članu mali_macic)
Neposredna veza do poruke: 4
   Fluonitazene For Sale-https://redmercurylab.com
4.12.2024 16:27:56   

https://redmercurylab.com. Discover the Ultimate Technological Marvel at RedMercuryLab.com! Whatsapp: +1(424) 328-1086
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(Odgovor članu Renata RR)
Neposredna veza do poruke: 5
   Buy Metodesnitazene Online-https://redmercury...
4.12.2024 16:30:59   

https://redmercurylab.com. Discover the Ultimate Technological Marvel at RedMercuryLab.com! Whatsapp: +1(424) 328-1086
Welcome to RedMercuryLab.com, where innovation knows no bounds! Are you ready to embark on a journey of cutting-edge discoveries and futuristic solutions? Look no further, as we present to you a world of possibilities that will revolutionize the way you perceive technology.
At RedMercuryLab.com, we are the pioneers of groundbreaking advancements that shape the future of various industries. From state-of-the-art applications and mind-boggling robotics to ingenious IoT solutions and transformative biotechnology, our team of visionary experts is at the forefront of every groundbreaking breakthrough.
Why choose RedMercuryLab.com? Our commitment to excellence ensures that every product you find here is meticulously crafted, thoroughly tested, and designed to surpass all expectations. With a seamless user experience, our website makes it a breeze to explore our vast range of innovative products and solutions.
Join us in this technological odyssey, where imagination meets reality. Experience the thrill of witnessing revolutionary creations that redefine what's possible. From individuals seeking innovative gadgets to businesses looking to embrace the future, RedMercuryLab.com caters to all with unmatched expertise.
Don't miss your chance to be part of the next big thing in technology! Visit RedMercuryLab.com now and elevate your world with the power of innovation. Embrace the future, today!
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(Odgovor članu Renata RR)
Neposredna veza do poruke: 6
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