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   What are the benefits of consuming Shruumz pr...
27.4.2024 10:52:59   
What are the benefits of consuming Shruumz premium microdose chocolate
Based on the information provided in the search results, the key benefits of consuming Shruumz premium microdose chocolate bars include:Microdosing Effects:The chocolate bars are designed for microdosing, providing a subtle, energetic, and uplifted mood when taking 1-2 squares
Functional Mushroom Blend:The bars contain a blend of functional mushrooms including Lions Mane, Reishi, and Chaga, which are known for their cognitive, mood-enhancing, and immune-boosting properties
Hemp-Derived Cannabinoids:The bars also contain a hemp extract with low doses of cannabinoids like CBDa, CBD, CBN, and CBG, which can synergistically enhance the effects of the mushrooms
Variety of Flavors:The chocolate bars come in a range of flavors like Dark Chocolate, Birthday Cake, Cinnamon, Cookie Butter, Fruity Cereal, and Cookies & Cream, providing a pleasant taste experience
Customizable Dosing:The 1.6oz bars are divided into 15 pieces/doses, allowing users to start with a microdose and gradually increase to their desired effect
In summary, the key benefits of Shruumz premium microdose chocolate bars are the microdosing capabilities, functional mushroom blend, hemp-derived cannabinoids, variety of flavors, and customizable dosing options, all of which can provide a range of physical and mental benefits.


Shruumz premium microdose chocolate

The Shruumz premium microdose chocolate bars are a unique product designed for microdosing with a blend of functional mushrooms and other ingredients. These chocolate bars come in a 1.6oz size with 15 pieces or doses per bar. The active ingredients in the Shruumz bars include Lions Mane Mushroom, Reishi Mushroom, Chaga Mushroom, and a Hemp Extract containing low doses of CBDa, CBD, CBN, CBG, and HHC. These bars are crafted to offer a pleasant taste experience while providing the desired effects for microdosing throughout the day or for a more pronounced effect when taken in larger doses. The bars are available in various flavors like Cookies & Cream and Cookie Butter, offering a unique and enjoyable way to incorporate functional mushrooms into one's routine without containing Psilocybin or Amanita mushrooms.
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