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TELEGRAM: @Richardplug22
BUY 3-CMC CRYSTAL POWDER, also known as 3-Methylmethcathinone and 3-mephedrone,is a designer drug from the substituted cathinone family.

3-MMC is closely related in structure to the more common illicit drug mephedrone (4-MMC), and is illegal in most countries that have banned mephedrone as it is a structural isomer of it.

Unlike other legal highs 3-CMC CRYSTAL POWDER was tested and characterized in large mammals, providing much more knowledge about it than is known about other synthetic cathinones.

Other name: 3-Chloromethcathinone HCl
IUPAC: 1-(3-Chlorophenyl)-2-(methylamino)propan-1-one HCl
Purity: above 98%

Keep away from children and animals – for technical use only


4-MMC (Mephedrone) > bk-MDMA (Methylone) > bk-MBDB (Butylone) > 4-MEC > MABP (Buphedrone)
Secondly, The only ones I would ever be interested in having again would be the notorious Mephedrone and Methylone, which are more or less scheduled globally these days.
4-MMC > bk-MDMA > 4-CMC > 3-CMC > 3-MMC > 5-methyl-ethylone > Butylone > Ethylone
Apparently this “Clephedrone” (4-CMC) that hasn’t really made a significant appearance on the RC market is good stuff.

Furthermore, The only ones I would ever be interested in having again would be the notorious Mephedrone and Methylone, which are more or less scheduled globally these days.

I have gotten this ranking from someone who’s very experienced with this class of RC’s which I found interesting:
Finally, 4-MMC > bk-MDMA > 4-CMC > 3-CMC > 3-MMC > 5-methyl-ethylone > Butylone > Ethylone
Apparently this “Clephedrone” (4-CMC) that hasn’t really made a significant appearance on the RC market is good stuff. And not explicitly scheduled in most places.

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TELEGRAM: @Richardplug22
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