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   RE: Prvi put sokić
15.12.2014 13:08:24   
Moji isključivo vodu piju. Nisam ni nudila sok-nisam vidjela svrhu toga,radije sam za to da pojedu voćku.
L je 4,5g i dan danas slabo sokić pije. A D (19mj) je samo probao i nije mu se svidjelo.
I drago mi je zbog toga


Moja dobrica - 07.08.2010
Mamin smješko -02.05.2013

(Odgovor članu zelja1)
Neposredna veza do poruke: 51
   RE: Prvi put sokić
15.12.2014 13:16:05   
I mi smo dosta kasno probali sokiće pa ih i dan danas baš ne piju puno, vole vode i onaj čaj u granulama od Bebivite user posted image

(Odgovor članu sorina)
Neposredna veza do poruke: 52
   RE: Prvi put sokić
15.12.2014 13:49:35   
Ja sam svojoj curki dala sokić od jabuke da proba nakon 4.mjeseca, ali isto tako najviše mi pije vodu i Bebivitin čaj od komorača. .osobno i meni je baš fin i nekad si ga napravim za osvježenje user posted image

(Odgovor članu Ela28)
Neposredna veza do poruke: 53
   Join the new world order of Illuminati brothe...
21.3.2025 11:13:48   
Join the new world order of Illuminati brotherhood fraternity and archive wealth, fame, protection and power.
The Illuminati is an elite organization of world leaders, business authorities, innovators, artists, and other influential members.
Join the Illuminati brotherhood cult today and get an instant rich sum of 2 million dollars in a week, and a free home. anywhere you choose to live in this world. The Illuminati society is a society or an organization of rich, famous and protected people in the world, say political and religious leaders, musicians, footballers and business people that operates above political and geographical restrictions for the benefits of human life. It's a society which is against poverty and suffering. So our aim is to reduce poverty and suffering in society. Get all all you need to join Illuminati from Illuminati Official Website now for money, power and fame in UK AUSTRALIA U.S.A CANADA, EUROPE South Africa,Namibia,Zambia,Uganda,Oman,Brazil. the Rest of the world. EMAIL US AT (illuminaticovert@gmail.com) Illuminati goodies/ Benefits Of Joining Illuminati Becoming a member is beneficial to all parties. A benefit may be considered as anything which is helpful, profitable, favorable and advantageous to a person. Benefits may take many forms such as improving a person in some way, promoting his happiness, raising his status socially, increasing personal contacts with others, or assisting him in any number of other ways. In general, the benefits of illuminati membership are both tangible and intangible. That’s to say, BUT MOST MEMBERS JOIN FOR MONEY SINCE MONEY IS THE SOURCE OF HAPPINESS. 1-The first and major benefit of joining Illuminati is to change your life from poor to become rich. You will get money as you know life and money moves together in this world. So Join Illuminati and get cash money as soon as you register. EMAIL US AT (illuminaticovert@gmail.com) JOIN THE GREAT BROTHERHOOD ILLUMINATI TODAY AND LIVE A BETTER AND HAPPY LIFE. WELCOME TO THE GREAT TEMPLE OF RICHES, FAME AND POWERS. Are you a business, Man or woman, politician, musician, pastor, lawyer, actor, actress, banker, and many others and you want to be rich, powerful and be famous in life, You can achieve your dreams by being a member of the Great ILLUMINATI brotherhood, With this all your dreams and heart desire can be fully accomplish, if you really want to be a member of the great ILLUMINATI brotherhood, CONTACT THE KEEPER (illuminaticovert@gmail.com). New members are rewarded with $600,000 US Dollars A Golden Ring will be offered, that will protect and guild you from enemies, and a free visa to all country. No human sacrifices or sharing of blood .if you are really interested CONTACT THE KEEPER EMAIL AT (illuminaticovert@gmail.com) BENEFIT GIVEN TO NEW MEMBERS WHO JOIN ILLUMINATI: A Cash Reward of $600,000 US Dollars and/ A New Sleek Dream CAR valued at $250,000 US Dollars and/ A Dream House and Monthly Payment of $350,000 USD. CONTACT THE KEEPER and become a member EMAIL US AT (illuminaticovert@gmail.com)


(Odgovor članu ejmama)
Neposredna veza do poruke: 54
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