anaxx -> 11.11.2011. (11.11.2011 14:31:07)
Tek sad sam skužila koji je danas datum, zanimljivo! Pogledam malo po netu, a ono odmah se priča o smaku svijeta i sličnim glupostima... Našla sam i ovo: Born at 11.11am on the 11.11.11 Kietley Isrin, November 11, 2011 - 5:30PM [img][/img] Max Benjamin Richards who was born at Hawkesbury District Hospital at 11.11am on the 11.11.11. Photo: Kylie PittThe Hawkesbury is celebrating the birth of Max Benjamin Richards who was born at 11.11am on the 11.11.11 at Hawkesbury District Hospital. The Hawkesbury Gazette caught a glimpse of Max a short time after he arrived. Parents Ben and Sarah Richards say the birth was not planned and that it was just pure luck. Advertisement: Story continues below "Today, as Australia remember soldiers past and present we are reminded of their sacrifices so that children such as Max can be born into a better world," a Hawkesbury District Hospital spokesperson said. "Babies born today are born into a world that has been shaped by the sacrifices Diggers have made for their country". Mother and baby are doing well and dad is happy to have a boy in the family. ... a 11.11. je rođen i Dostojevski... tamo neke godine, zaboravila sam koje [image][/image]