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   Tunis s dijetetom od 1g da ili ne?
25.11.2010 7:59:37   
Molim pomoć, naime dobili smo punudu za  7 dana odmora u Tunisu u apartman s prijateljima.
Mi smo roditelji maleme Mijeuser posted image koja ima 14 mjeseci i ja sam u dilemi da li povesti dijete na put ili ne.
Ništa neznam o Tunisu i možda imam previše predrasuda vezano uz hranu i čistoću.

Što vi  misliteuser posted image


Mia Ela 17.9.2009.
Neposredna veza do poruke: 1
   RE: Tunis s dijetetom od 1g da ili ne?
25.11.2010 8:04:00   
neznam ali što se hrane tiče ,ali možeš uzeti od tuda ono šta ona jede
a da li ti ima ko ćuvati malu da neide sa vama???


Život ponekad traži od nas više no što mislimo da možemo podnijeti.IPAK,vrijedi se potruditi!
zvrkić došao 17.06.2005.
zvrkica došla 08.12.2010.

(Odgovor članu Arnika)
Neposredna veza do poruke: 2
   RE: Tunis s dijetetom od 1g da ili ne?
25.11.2010 8:04:01   
Iskreno ja nigdje nebi išla sa tako malim djetetom....to je za bebu jedan veliki napor, samo putovanje, privikavanje na drugu klimu, okoliš....
Ali isto tako nebi ni tako malo dijete mogla ostaviti nekome (mislim na bake servis i sl) i otići....
I nisam ti baš pomogla jel dauser posted image


Roko i Dino user posted image

(Odgovor članu Arnika)
Neposredna veza do poruke: 3
   RE: Tunis s dijetetom od 1g da ili ne?
25.11.2010 8:06:34   
sto se tice cistoce,ja ti pojma nemam,jer nikad nisam makla iz ove proklete drzave,a malu ostavi ako hoce ostati,a ako ne,ja bi je povela,ne bih forsirala razdvajanje,btw.i  ja imam malu miu user posted image


mjenjam potpis....

(Odgovor članu Arnika)
Neposredna veza do poruke: 4
   RE: Tunis s dijetetom od 1g da ili ne?
25.11.2010 8:10:18   
slažem se sa cubom...

a i par mi je frendica išlo u tunis i znam da su se vratile s kojekakvim crijevnim virozama....tak da...


...bejb...our be(a)st.....

....mini gospa....

bogo....priti pliiiiiiiiiz,očuvaj me od baba u životu,od ostalog ću se sama čuvati..... ;)

(Odgovor članu tiny)
Neposredna veza do poruke: 5
   RE: Tunis s dijetetom od 1g da ili ne?
25.11.2010 8:10:45   

Iskreno ja nigdje nebi išla sa tako malim djetetom....to je za bebu jedan veliki napor, samo putovanje, privikavanje na drugu klimu, okoliš....
Ali isto tako nebi ni tako malo dijete mogla ostaviti nekome (mislim na bake servis i sl) i otići....
I nisam ti baš pomogla jel dauser posted image

Slažemm se sa Cubom..nebi se usudila tako daleko poći sa bebom...


JAN I SARA- 9.5.2009.

"Knjige koje majke pišu nitko ne čita,one se vide i čuju kada njihova djeca ulicom prolaze..."

(Odgovor članu cuba)
Neposredna veza do poruke: 6
   RE: Tunis s dijetetom od 1g da ili ne?
25.11.2010 8:11:15   
Nika 24052006
Naši dvoji prijatelji su bili u Tunisu i super su zadovoljni,bar tako kažu.No,oni nemaju djecu,pa je to druga priča...Ne znam šta da ti kažem...Ako ćeš ju voditi,moraš znati da će ti to više biti umor nego odmor,jer će njoj to sve biti prenaporno,i nije isključeno da će biti cijelo vrijeme cendrava...Možda je bolje da ju ostaviš ako imaš kome. Mi smo išli sa N prvi puta na more kad je bila 15 mj,bila je katastrofa,em je kmečala non stop,em se razbolila....Da nije imala tako visoku temp,pokupila bi stvari i otišla kući.

< Poruku je uredio Nika 24052006 -- 25.11.2010 8:12:36 >


Moje velike ljubavi
Nika 24.05.2006.
Ines 07.05.2010.

(Odgovor članu tiny)
Neposredna veza do poruke: 7
   [Obrisani korisnik]
25.11.2010 8:16:46   
Brisani uporabnik
[Sadržaj poruke je obrisan]

(Odgovor članu Nika 24052006)
  Neposredna veza do poruke: 8
   RE: Tunis s dijetetom od 1g da ili ne?
25.11.2010 8:18:17   
nebi išla s tak malim djetetom nigdje tak daleko,bez obzira tunis il drugdje


"Ljubav je slijepa i zbog toga joj je tako izoštreno čulo dodira."

(Odgovor članu Nika 24052006)
Neposredna veza do poruke: 9
   RE: Tunis s dijetetom od 1g da ili ne?
25.11.2010 8:51:42   
Tunis je poznat po zmazanoći i nečistoći. Mladi koji su tamo išli su tulumarili i išli na izlet po pustinji sa devama. Mislim da sa tako malom bebom ne možeš ni na tulum do zore ni na devu. A 7 dana u apartmanu u nekoj zabiti sa malom bebom koja bude i nervozna, a da  ne možeš Tunis ni vidjeti ni doživjeti, mislim da nema smisla. Misli na svoju bebu, bude vremena i za Tunis i ostalo user posted image


JAN, 18.12.2004.
FRAN, 19.02.2010.

(Odgovor članu pincirotvajler)
Neposredna veza do poruke: 10
   RE: Tunis s dijetetom od 1g da ili ne?
25.11.2010 9:17:39   
Joj, ja i muž smo bili u Tunisu i hvala Bogu da nismo vodili našeg malog sa nama. Jedva smo i mi preživjeli......user posted image


Imam dva anđela, jednog muškog i jednog ženskog!

(Odgovor članu zozo1)
Neposredna veza do poruke: 11
   [Brisano sporočilo]
25.11.2010 9:20:37   
Brisani uporabnik
[Vsebina sporočila je bila izbrisana]

(Odgovor članu BIT)
  Neposredna veza do poruke: 12
   RE: Tunis s dijetetom od 1g da ili ne?
25.11.2010 9:21:25   
Ne slažem se s komentarima da s tako malom bebom ne bi išla na put. Kada je onda pravo vrijeme da se ide??? Šta bi svi trebali do 5 godina sjediti doma dok beba ne naraste? Mi smo s janom išli na skijanje u Italiju na 8 dana kada je imao 7 mj, svi su nas gledali kao da smo pali s marsa, a nama je bilo savršeno i prekrasno, jan je bio divan, put od nekih 6 sa stajanjima je gotovo prespavao, tamo se super aklimatizirao (to je mjesto na 1000 m n/v znači nešto što je njemu strano), s nama je išao na planinu na 2550 m n/v, bio je zabundan i kad smo se vratili dobili smo dojam da je jako odrastao....To iskustvo ga je ojačalo i to smo primjetili da je drugačiji nakon svakog putovanja (zimovanje/ljetovanje).... E sad što se i Tunisa tiče, nije ni tako prljav kako pričate, kao da su naši gradovi ultra čisti i kao da je Hrvatska Austrija....Uglavnom, bila sma tamo i super je i išla bi s djetetom od 5-6 god jer imaju prekrasnih kompleksa hotela iz kojih ni ne moraš van, sve ima u njima, plaže su divne i sve. I hrana im je u hotelima prilično mediteranska, samo s malo više začina, međutim, oni imaju u hrani nekih bakterija na koje mi nismo naviknuti i nema osobe koja nije dolje imala proljev i/ili povraćanje jednodnevno (npr mi smo se liječili rakijom od slovenaca iz susjedne sobe user posted image ), međutim, ja ne bi riskirala za 14-mjesečno dijete taj proljev jer njoj neće trajati i biti tako jednostavno kao nama odraslima...Eto, to je jedini - zašto ja ne bi išla, a i ovo što cvrčak kaže za doktora... Odaberite neku 2. destinaciju i pičite na put s malom, uživati ćete svi 3... BTW....u prilog još mojoj 1. tvrdnji, moja amerikanka je sa 2-mjesečnim djetetom letila iz Bostona u Hrvatsku sama samcata i vraćala se s njim doma kada je imao 4 mj.....To je vani sasvim normalno, ali kod nas je babsko pravilo da se s malim bebama ne putuje...  I da, ni ja ju ne bi ostavila 7 dana samu, imala sma priliku ovo ljeto otići u Kaliforniju 8 dana s mm, međutim nisam imala srca toliko dugo ostaviti Jana jer badava mi amerika ako ne možemo svi skupa uživati, a što se puta s janom tiče, bilo je tu mač skupo i to je bio razlog koji je prevagnuo....


JAN, moja najveća ljubav, sreća, ponos, uspjeh i poticaj!

"Kad poljubim lice tvoje da izmamim osmjeh,
Onda pouzdano razumijem čari neba u svjetlu zore".

(Odgovor članu zozo1)
Neposredna veza do poruke: 13
   RE: Tunis s dijetetom od 1g da ili ne?
25.11.2010 10:13:35   
Putovanje s malim djetetom je ok. Ja sam putovala sa svojih 4 u razlicitim razdobljima njihovog zivota, i nikad niti jedno dijete nije imalo problema s nicim. U avionu sam im dala da piju nesto za vrijeme polijetanja i slijetanja, ili ako koristi dudu neka ju sise kroz to vrijeme da joj se usi ne zastopaju od nagle promjene visine.
Provjeri s pedijatrom i sa odijelom za cijepljenje da li se trebate cijepiti prije odlaska, znam da za neke zemlje, posebno u Africi, se treba prije puta cijepiti. Svaka zemlja ima svoju listu cijepiva.
Evo ovo sam nasla, pa nadam se da znas engleski. Sorry, znam da je ovo prevelik odgovor user posted image .


Summary of recommendations



Other infections

Food and water precautions

Insect and tick protection

Swimming and bathing precautions

General advice


Medical facilities

Traveling with children

Travel and pregnancy


Registration/Embassy location

Safety information

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Summary of recommendations:
All travelers should visit either their personal physician or a travel health clinic 4-8 weeks before departure.

Vaccinations: Hepatitis A

Recommended for all travelers


Recommended for all travelers

Yellow fever

Required for all travelers arriving from a yellow-fever-infected area in Africa or the Americas

Hepatitis B

Recommended for all travelers


For travelers spending a lot of time outdoors, or at high risk for animal bites, or involved in any activities that might bring them into direct contact with bats

Measles, mumps, rubella (MMR)

Two doses recommended for all travelers born after 1956, if not previously given


Revaccination recommended every 10 years


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Travelers' diarrhea is the most common travel-related ailment. The cornerstone of prevention is food and water precautions, as outlined below. All travelers should bring along an antibiotic and an antidiarrheal drug to be started promptly if significant diarrhea occurs, defined as three or more loose stools in an 8-hour period or five or more loose stools in a 24-hour period, especially if associated with nausea, vomiting, cramps, fever or blood in the stool. A quinolone antibiotic is usually prescribed: either ciprofloxacin (Cipro)(PDF) 500 mg twice daily or levofloxacin (Levaquin) (PDF) 500 mg once daily for a total of three days. Quinolones are generally well-tolerated, but occasionally cause sun sensitivity and should not be given to children, pregnant women, or anyone with a history of quinolone allergy. Alternative regimens include a three day course of rifaximin (Xifaxan) 200 mg three times daily or azithromycin (Zithromax) 500 mg once daily. Rifaximin should not be used by those with fever or bloody stools and is not approved for pregnant women or those under age 12. Azithromycin should be avoided in those allergic to erythromycin or related antibiotics. An antidiarrheal drug such as loperamide (Imodium) or diphenoxylate (Lomotil) should be taken as needed to slow the frequency of stools, but not enough to stop the bowel movements completely. Diphenoxylate (Lomotil) and loperamide (Imodium) should not be given to children under age two.
Most cases of travelers' diarrhea are mild and do not require either antibiotics or antidiarrheal drugs. Adequate fluid intake is essential.
If diarrhea is severe or bloody, or if fever occurs with shaking chills, or if abdominal pain becomes marked, or if diarrhea persists for more than 72 hours, medical attention should be sought.
Though effective, antibiotics are not recommended prophylactically (i.e. to prevent diarrhea before it occurs) because of the risk of adverse effects, though this approach may be warranted in special situations, such as immunocompromised travelers.
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The following are the recommended vaccinations for Tunisia:
Hepatitis A vaccine is recommended for all travelers over one year of age. It should be given at least two weeks (preferably four weeks or more) before departure. A booster should be given 6-12 months later to confer long-term immunity. Two vaccines are currently available in the United States: VAQTA (Merck and Co., Inc.) (PDF) and Havrix (GlaxoSmithKline) (PDF). Both are well-tolerated. Side-effects, which are generally mild, may include soreness at the injection site, headache, and malaise.
Older adults, immunocompromised persons, and those with chronic liver disease or other chronic medical conditions who have less than two weeks before departure should receive a single intramuscular dose of immune globulin (0.02 mL/kg) at a separate anatomic injection site in addition to the initial dose of vaccine. Travelers who are less than one year of age or allergic to a vaccine component should receive a single intramuscular dose of immune globulin (see hepatitis A for dosage) in the place of vaccine.
Typhoid vaccine is recommended for all travelers. It is generally given in an oral form (Vivotif Berna) consisting of four capsules taken on alternate days until completed. The capsules should be kept refrigerated and taken with cool liquid. Side-effects are uncommon and may include abdominal discomfort, nausea, rash or hives. The alternative is an injectable polysaccharide vaccine (Typhim Vi; Aventis Pasteur Inc.) (PDF), given as a single dose. Adverse reactions, which are uncommon, may include discomfort at the injection site, fever and headache. The oral vaccine is approved for travelers at least six years old, whereas the injectable vaccine is approved for those over age two. There are no data concerning the safety of typhoid vaccine during pregnancy. The injectable vaccine (Typhim Vi) is probably preferable to the oral vaccine in pregnant and immunocompromised travelers.
Measles vaccine is recommended for any traveler born after 1956 who does not have either a history of two documented measles immunizations or a blood test showing immunity. A limited measles outbreak was reported from the region of Sfax in the spring of 2002. The outbreak was terminated by widespread vaccination. See the World Health Organization for details. Many adults who had only one vaccination show immunity when tested and do not need the second vaccination. Measles vaccine should not be given to pregnant or severely immunocompromised individuals.
Hepatitis B vaccine is recommended for all travelers if not previously vaccinated. Two vaccines are currently licensed in the United States: Recombivax HB (Merck and Co., Inc.) (PDF) and Engerix-B (GlaxoSmithKline) (PDF). A full series consists of three intramuscular doses given at 0, 1 and 6 months. Engerix-B is also approved for administration at 0, 1, 2, and 12 months, which may be appropriate for travelers departing in less than 6 months. Side-effects are generally mild and may include discomfort at the injection site and low-grade fever. Severe allergic reactions (anaphylaxis) occur rarely.
Rabies vaccine is recommended for travelers spending a lot of time outdoors, for travelers at high risk for animal bites, such as veterinarians and animal handlers, for long-term travelers and expatriates, and for travelers involved in any activities that might bring them into direct contact with bats. Children are considered at higher risk because they tend to play with animals, may receive more severe bites, or may not report bites. A complete preexposure series consists of three doses of vaccine injected into the deltoid muscle on days 0, 7, and 21 or 28. Side-effects may include pain at the injection site, headache, nausea, abdominal pain, muscle aches, dizziness, or allergic reactions.
Any animal bite or scratch should be thoroughly cleaned with large amounts of soap and water and local health authorities should be contacted immediately for possible post-exposure treatment, whether or not the person has been immunized against rabies.
All travelers should be up-to-date on routine immunizations, including

Tetanus-diphtheria vaccine (recommended for all travelers who have not received a tetanus-diphtheria immunization within the last 10 years.)
Varicella (chickenpox) vaccine (recommended for any international traveler over one year of age who does not have either a history of documented chickenpox or a blood test showing immunity. Many people who believe they never had chickenpox show immunity when tested and do not need the vaccine. Varicella vaccine should not be given to pregnant or immunocompromised individuals.)
Polio vaccine is not recommended for any adult who completed the recommended childhood immunizations. Polio has not been reported from any country in North Africa (except Egypt) for the last several years. A single booster of inactivated polio vaccine may be considered for extended travel to rural areas.
Cholera vaccine is not recommended. Cholera is uncommon in North Africa. Most travelers are at extremely low risk for infection.
Yellow fever vaccine is required for all travelers greater than one year of age arriving from a yellow-fever-infected country in Africa or the Americas, but is not recommended or required otherwise. Yellow fever vaccine (YF-VAX; Aventis Pasteur Inc.) (PDF) must be administered at an approved yellow fever vaccination center, which will give each vaccinee a fully validated International Certificate of Vaccination. The vaccine should not in general be given to those who are younger than six months of age, immunocompromised, or allergic to eggs (since the vaccine is produced in chick embryos). It should also not be given to those with a malignant neoplasm and those with a history of thymus disease or thymectomy. Caution should be exercised before giving the vaccine to those who are between the ages of 6 and 8 months, age 60 years or older, pregnant, or breastfeeding. Reactions to the vaccine, which are generally mild, include headaches, muscle aches, and low-grade fevers. Serious allergic reactions, such as hives or asthma, are rare and generally occur in those with a history of egg allergy.
[Back to top]
Other infections

Cutaneous leishmaniasis (increasing prevalence)
Lymphatic filariasis
Schistosomiasis (acquired by swimming, wading, or bathing in contaminated fresh water; see swimming and bathing precautions below)
Tick-borne relapsing fever
Brucellosis (the most common animal source is infected sheep and goats)
HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) infection is reported, but travelers are not at risk unless they have unprotected sexual contacts or receive injections or blood transfusions.
[Back to top]
Food and water precautions
Do not drink tap water unless it has been boiled, filtered, or chemically disinfected. Do not drink unbottled beverages or drinks with ice. Do not eat fruits or vegetables unless they have been peeled or cooked. Avoid cooked foods that are no longer piping hot. Cooked foods that have been left at room temperature are particularly hazardous. Avoid unpasteurized milk and any products that might have been made from unpasteurized milk, such as ice cream. Avoid food and beverages obtained from street vendors. Do not eat raw or undercooked meat or fish. Some types of fish may contain poisonous biotoxins even when cooked. Barracuda in particular should never be eaten. Other fish that may contain toxins include red snapper, grouper, amberjack, and sea bass.
All travelers should bring along an antibiotic and an antidiarrheal drug to be started promptly if significant diarrhea occurs, defined as three or more loose stools in an 8-hour period or five or more loose stools in a 24-hour period, especially if accompanied by nausea, vomiting, cramps, fever or blood in the stool. Antibiotics which have been shown to be effective include ciprofloxacin (Cipro), levofloxacin (Levaquin), rifaximin (Xifaxan), or azithromycin (Zithromax). Either loperamide (Imodium) or diphenoxylate (Lomotil) should be taken in addition to the antibiotic to reduce diarrhea and prevent dehydration.
If diarrhea is severe or bloody, or if fever occurs with shaking chills, or if abdominal pain becomes marked, or if diarrhea persists for more than 72 hours, medical attention should be sought.
[Back to top]
Insect and tick protection
Wear long sleeves, long pants, hats and shoes (rather than sandals). For rural and forested areas, boots are preferable, with pants tucked in, to prevent tick bites. Apply insect repellents containing 25-50% DEET (N,N-diethyl-3-methylbenzamide) or 20% picaridin (Bayrepel) to exposed skin (but not to the eyes, mouth, or open wounds). DEET may also be applied to clothing. Products with a lower concentration of either repellent need to be repplied more frequently. Products with a higher concentration of DEET carry an increased risk of neurologic toxicity, especially in children, without any additional benefit. Do not use either DEET or picaridin on children less than two years of age. For additional protection, apply permethrin-containing compounds to clothing, shoes, and bed nets. Permethrin-treated clothing appears to have little toxicity. Don't sleep with the window open unless there is a screen. If sleeping outdoors or in an accomodation that allows entry of mosquitoes, use a bed net, preferably impregnated with insect repellent, with edges tucked in under the mattress. The mesh size should be less than 1.5 mm. If the sleeping area is not otherwise protected, use a mosquito coil, which fills the room with insecticide through the night. In rural or forested areas, perform a thorough tick check at the end of each day with the assistance of a friend or a full-length mirror. Ticks should be removed with tweezers, grasping the tick by the head. Many tick-borne illnesses can be prevented by prompt tick removal.
[Back to top]
Swimming and bathing precautions
Avoid swimming, wading, or rafting in bodies of fresh water, such as lakes, ponds, streams, or rivers. Do not use fresh water for bathing or showering unless it has been heated to 150 degrees F for at least five minutes or held in a storage tank for at least three days. Toweling oneself dry after unavoidable or accidental exposure to contaminated water may reduce the likelihood of schistosomiasis, but does not reliably prevent the disease and is no substitute for the precautions above. Chlorinated swimming pools are considered safe.
[Back to top]
General advice
Bring adequate supplies of all medications in their original containers, clearly labeled. Carry a signed, dated letter from the primary physician describing all medical conditions and listing all medications, including generic names. If carrying syringes or needles, be sure to carry a physician's letter documenting their medical necessity.Pack all medications in hand luggage. Carry a duplicate supply in the checked luggage. If you wear glasses or contacts, bring an extra pair. If you have significant allergies or chronic medical problems, wear a medical alert bracelet.
Make sure your health insurance covers you for medical expenses abroad. If not, supplemental insurance for overseas coverage, including possible evacuation, should be seriously considered. If illness occurs while abroad, medical expenses including evacuation may run to tens of thousands of dollars. For a list of travel insurance and air ambulance companies, go to Medical Information for Americans Traveling Abroad on the U.S. State Department website. Bring your insurance card, claim forms, and any other relevant insurance documents. Before departure, determine whether your insurance plan will make payments directly to providers or reimburse you later for overseas health expenditures. The Medicare and Medicaid programs do not pay for medical services outside the United States.
Pack a personal medical kit, customized for your trip (see description). Take appropriate measures to prevent motion sickness and jet lag, discussed elsewhere. On long flights, be sure to walk around the cabin, contract your leg muscles periodically, and drink plenty of fluids to prevent blood clots in the legs. For those at high risk for blood clots, consider wearing compression stockings.
Avoid contact with stray dogs and other animals. If an animal bites or scratches you, clean the wound with large amounts of soap and water and contact local health authorities immediately. Wear sun block regularly when needed. Use condoms for all sexual encounters. Ride only in motor vehicles with seat belts. Do not ride on motorcycles.
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For an ambulance in Tunisia, call 190. Response times may be slow. Ambulance service may not be available outside major ourban areas.
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Medical facilities
Medical care in Tunisia is adequate for routine problems, but specialized treatment may not be available. Most expatriates use one of the new, private polyclinics, which function as simple hospitals. Most doctors and hospitals will expect payment in cash, regardless of whether you have travel health insurance. Serious medical problems will require air evacuation to a country with state-of-the-art medical facilities.
[Back to top]
Traveling with children
Before you leave, make sure you have the names and contact information for physicians, clinics, and hospitals where you can obtain emergency medical care if needed.
All children should be up-to-date on routine childhood immunizations, as recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics. Children who are 12 months or older should receive a total of 2 doses of MMR (measles-mumps-rubella) vaccine, separated by at least 28 days, before international travel. Children between the ages of 6 and 11 months should be given a single dose of measles vaccine. MMR vaccine may be given if measles vaccine is not available, though immunization against mumps and rubella is not necessary before age one unless visiting a country where an outbreak is in progress. Children less than one year of age may also need to receive other immunizations ahead of schedule (see the accelerated immunization schedule).
When traveling with young children, be particularly careful about what you allow them to eat and drink (see food and water precautions), because diarrhea can be especially dangerous in this age group and because the vaccines for hepatitis A and typhoid fever, which are transmitted by contaminated food and water, are not approved for children under age two. Baby foods and cows' milk may not be available in developing nations. Only commercially bottled milk with a printed expiration date should be used. Young children should be kept well-hydrated and protected from the sun at all times.
Be sure to pack a medical kit when traveling with children. In addition to the items listed for adults, bring along plenty of disposable diapers, cream for diaper rash, oral replacement salts, and appropriate antibiotics for common childhood infections, such as middle ear infections.

(Odgovor članu njanja)
Neposredna veza do poruke: 14
   RE: Tunis s dijetetom od 1g da ili ne?
25.11.2010 12:12:56   
ja sam bila, ne bih ti preporučila sa djetetom. prljavo je, hoteli još nekako, a na ulici da ne govorim, a ni hrana nije baš nešto stoga ja ne bih riskirala s djetetom.

(Odgovor članu mamacita)
Neposredna veza do poruke: 15
   RE: Tunis s dijetetom od 1g da ili ne?
25.11.2010 21:12:55   
svima puno hvala. Ni ja nisam htjela voditi Miu ali još sam željela provjeriti.
Hvala još jednomuser posted image

(Odgovor članu malizia)
Neposredna veza do poruke: 16
   RE: Tunis s dijetetom od 1g da ili ne?
15.6.2015 12:49:51   
Solidna iskustva za malo novaca, stvarno za male novce vidis novi dio svijeta. :) Preporuka za odlazak u Tunis.
Putovanja Tunis

(Odgovor članu Arnika)
Neposredna veza do poruke: 17
   RE: Tunis s dijetetom od 1g da ili ne?
15.6.2015 13:04:38   
Kad sam bila pred par godina (prije prosvijeda i svih problema) u grupi je bila beba, stara nekih 7-8 mjeseci. Bebica je bila super mirna. Ne znam koliko je roditeljima bilo naporno, al valjda ovisi i o samoj bebi. Išli su s njom čak i na izlet u Saharu, koji dosta dugo traje, beba nije ni plakala bila je ko bubica.
Ne znam kakvo je sada sigurnosno stanje dole...nisam sigurna da bi vodila samu sebe...


Mama najslađe mišice

(Odgovor članu Krakon)
Neposredna veza do poruke: 18
   RE: Tunis s dijetetom od 1g da ili ne?
10.7.2015 11:14:51   

Molim pomoć, naime dobili smo punudu za  7 dana odmora u Tunisu u apartman s prijateljima.
Mi smo roditelji maleme Mijeuser posted image koja ima 14 mjeseci i ja sam u dilemi da li povesti dijete na put ili ne.
Ništa neznam o Tunisu i možda imam previše predrasuda vezano uz hranu i čistoću.
Što vi  misliteuser posted image

zozo1 ti je napisala baš ono što i ja mislim...mislim da ti je beba ipak premalena da uz nju možeš u potpunosti uživati, opustiti se, i upoznati Tunis..user posted image

(Odgovor članu Arnika)
Neposredna veza do poruke: 19
   RE: Tunis s dijetetom od 1g da ili ne?
10.7.2015 15:56:23   
Smatram da malo dijete s mamom i tatom može gotovo bilo gdje, i to u ovoj priči nije sporno, ali iskreno - i nadam se bez uvrede - trenutačno mi ne bi palo napamet posjećivati islamske zemlje, osobito s djetetom.


El nam je stigla 25. 7. 2012. u 19:07

(Odgovor članu monstrum)
Neposredna veza do poruke: 20
   RE: Tunis s dijetetom od 1g da ili ne?
10.7.2015 15:58:52   
Hm... tek sad sam skužila da je ovo "navlačenje" teme iz prošlosti.


El nam je stigla 25. 7. 2012. u 19:07

(Odgovor članu keyt)
Neposredna veza do poruke: 21
   RE: Tunis s dijetetom od 1g da ili ne?
10.7.2015 20:31:07   
Mi smo prvi put išli na more kad je sin imao 6 mj- i moram priznati da nam je tada s njim bilo najljepše, obožavao se kupati, spavao na plaži. Kad smo išli sljedeće godine, prohodao je, nije ga zanimalo kupanje, stalno je se ustajao na plaži, ništa ga nije zanimalo, niti smo se kupali, a ni sunčali. Mada za Tunis, i tako dalek put uopće nisam sa malim djetetom, a ni ta situacija kod njih mi uopće ne miriše na dobro user posted image

(Odgovor članu keyt)
Neposredna veza do poruke: 22
   RE: Tunis s dijetetom od 1g da ili ne?
26.6.2019 7:14:49   
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(Odgovor članu zima1995)
Neposredna veza do poruke: 23
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Stranica: [1]
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