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   RE: Torba za rodilište
22.12.2013 14:32:05   
Manda Mare
Pozdrav svima! Ja sam nova na portalu, pa čitam sve po redu. Ovdje sam se zaustavila jer je ovaj popis koji si ti napravila Iva valjda nešto najdetaljnije što sam dosad pročitala. Fenomenalno, mene si pošteno informirala i hvala ti na tome user posted image ! Ja sam svoju torbu spakirala, ali sad vidim da ipak fali još sitnica, a termin je 16.01.14., ako se malena ne požuri. U svakom slučaju, odličan popis!!! Nastavit ću čitati dalje i nadopunjavati popis user posted image . Pozdrav i SRETNO svima koji su u pripravnosti za dolazak svojih bebica!

(Odgovor članu Brisani uporabnik)
Neposredna veza do poruke: 151
   RE: Torba za rodilište
22.12.2013 19:29:59   
Pozdrav svima,ja sam nova...još imam dosta vremena za pripremu za rodilište,ali svejedno me zanima sve što je potebno...stvarno svaka čast na detaljnom popisu..superuser posted image ..negdje sam ćula da je dobro ponjeti izdajalicu u rodilište i da neka to i traže..kakvo je vaše iskustvo po tom pitanju?

(Odgovor članu Manda Mare)
Neposredna veza do poruke: 152
   RE: Torba za rodilište
22.12.2013 19:32:24   
da li je tko od vas imao pratnju pri porodu?naime moj muže naželost nemože ići samnom ali sam mislila da ide prijateljica umjesto njega..kakva su vaša iskustva?

(Odgovor članu Ange)
Neposredna veza do poruke: 153
   RE: Torba za rodilište
2.1.2014 10:17:19   
Pozdrav cure,
zanima me da li je netko u zadnje vrijeme bio u Petrovoj? Tj., dal treba nositi pelene pošto je beba stalno s mamom, i sve to što ide uz prematanje? I kakvo im je trenutno mišljenje o izdajalici? Ja sam bila prije 3godine i tada je izdajalica bila poželjna iako ju nisam nikada upotrijebila...ali vidim da se puno stvari promjenilo od ondauser posted image


...od kada te znam ja virujem u anđele, od kada te znam ja virujem da postoje <3 24.04.

...stigao mali braco <3 22.02.

(Odgovor članu Ange)
Neposredna veza do poruke: 154
   RE: Torba za rodilište
4.1.2014 12:42:50   
Zar baš nitko?? user posted image


...od kada te znam ja virujem u anđele, od kada te znam ja virujem da postoje <3 24.04.

...stigao mali braco <3 22.02.

(Odgovor članu Tink)
Neposredna veza do poruke: 155
   RE: Torba za rodilište
23.4.2014 10:36:43   
Tink ja bi trebala rodit u Petrovoj sta si ti sve ponjela,kakvo je tvoje iskustvo?user posted image

(Odgovor članu Tink)
Neposredna veza do poruke: 156
   RE: Torba za rodilište
5.9.2014 20:52:14   
ima li itko svjezije informacije sto ponjeti sa sobom u rodiliste na sveti duh... radije pitam tu vas koje ste to prosli nego doktore,kojima je uvijek strka user posted image

(Odgovor članu Tea2803)
Neposredna veza do poruke: 157
   RE: Torba za rodilište
30.11.2014 8:44:20   
Pozdrav, cure. Da li je neka od Vas rodila u Rijeci u posljednje vrijeme? Kakvi su uvjeti tamo? Iskustva?

(Odgovor članu Vityca14)
Neposredna veza do poruke: 158
   RE: Torba za rodilište
30.11.2014 13:12:20   
Tia, ja sam rodila prije 6 mj. Jel te zanima nešto posebno? Uvijeti su ok, meni je bilo dobro, nisam imala neugodnih iskustava.

(Odgovor članu Tia00000)
Neposredna veza do poruke: 159
   RE: Torba za rodilište
6.12.2014 10:33:52   
Angellah, zanima me kakvi su higijenski uvjeti i kakav je odnos prema trudnicama? Da li je to u granicama normale? Inače, malo se raspitujem sada i svakakvih iskustava sam čula i čitala iz nekih rodilišta. Za Rječko su uglavnom bili pozitivni komentari ali i to da sve ovisi o tome na koga naletiš u smjeni.

(Odgovor članu angellah)
Neposredna veza do poruke: 160
   RE: Torba za rodilište
13.4.2015 13:08:29   
Halo :)
Neka preporuka gdje kupiti kakvu praktičnu torbu za laptope? 17' ?

(Odgovor članu Tia00000)
Neposredna veza do poruke: 161
   RE: Torba za rodilište
21.4.2015 13:12:55   


Halo :)
Neka preporuka gdje kupiti kakvu praktičnu torbu za laptope? 17' ?

Ipak sam kupil u Mikronisu, imaju dobru ponudu a i kvalitetne su, za nekih 200kn.
Pogledajte :D

(Odgovor članu denis20)
Neposredna veza do poruke: 162
   Clobenzorex buy online
1.4.2024 5:17:52   
Clobenzorex buy online
Clobenzorex is a medication often prescribed for weight loss and appetite suppression. For individuals looking to buy Clobenzorex online, it is important to exercise caution and ensure that they are purchasing from a reputable source. Online purchases of prescription medications can sometimes pose risks due to counterfeit products or unauthorized sellers. It is recommended to consult with a healthcare provider before deciding to buy Clobenzorex online to ensure it is safe and appropriate for one's individual health needs. Additionally, checking for reviews and testimonials from other customers can also provide valuable insight into the reliability of a particular online vendor. As with any medication purchase, it is crucial to prioritize safety and legality when considering buying Clobenzorex online.


Unveiling the Convenience of Clobenzorex Online Purchases

Understanding Clobenzorex: What You Should Know
Clobenzorex is a stimulant medication used to treat obesity and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). It works by suppressing appetite and increasing focus and concentration levels. Before considering purchasing Clobenzorex online, it is crucial to consult with a healthcare provider to ensure it is a suitable option for your specific needs.

The Benefits of Buying Clobenzorex Online
Purchasing Clobenzorex online offers convenience and accessibility for individuals seeking this medication. Online pharmacies provide a discreet and efficient way to obtain Clobenzorex without the need for in-person visits to traditional brick-and-mortar pharmacies.

Ensuring Safety and Legitimacy When Buying Clobenzorex Online
When purchasing Clobenzorex online, it is essential to prioritize safety and legitimacy. Ensure that the online pharmacy is reputable and licensed to dispense medication. Verify the authenticity of the medication being sold to avoid counterfeit or substandard products.

The Process of Ordering Clobenzorex Online
Ordering Clobenzorex online is a straightforward process. Simply select the desired quantity of the medication, provide the necessary personal information, and choose a shipping method. Many online pharmacies offer secure payment options and discreet packaging for added convenience.

Factors to Consider Before Buying Clobenzorex Online
Before making a purchase, consider factors such as dosage requirements, potential side effects, and interactions with other medications. It is vital to follow the prescribed dosage and instructions provided by your healthcare provider to ensure safe and effective use of Clobenzorex.

In conclusion, buying Clobenzorex online can offer a convenient and efficient way to access this medication for treating obesity and ADHD. By prioritizing safety, legitimacy, and adherence to dosage instructions, individuals can benefit from the advantages of online purchasing while ensuring their well-being and health.

(Odgovor članu Ruža)
Neposredna veza do poruke: 163
   Order Saypha Volume Lidocaine 1ml
4.4.2024 10:54:46   
Order Saypha Volume Lidocaine 1ml
About Saypha Volume Lidocaine
Saypha Volume Lidocaine is a purified from toxins gel based on hyaluronic acid with a concentration of 25 milligrams per 1 milliliter of fluid. Viscous and homogeneous gel implant contains 0.3% lidocaine for comfortable product introduction.

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You can buy Saypha Volume Lidocaine online at the Dark web market buyer. We offer quality and original products that are certified by the highest standards. We also offer the most reasonable prices in the market of the aesthetic industry.

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Saypha Volume is forbidden to enter pregnant and lactating patients, those who have diabetes or hepatitis. Filler injections are also abandoned if the patient has influenza, herpes or purulent lesions on the skin. If the patient is prone to scarring or has viral infections he also can?t use Saypha dermal filler.

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You can order Saypha Volume Lidocaine products at the online shop darkwebmarketbuyer.com. We supply Saypha Volume Lidocaine and other products for dermatology in the USA. Thanks to our services, you can choose a convenient way for you to deliver and discuss all the questions with our operators to help you. Dark web market buyer has a wide selection of dermal fillers, botulinum and other original products that are always available. Order Saypha Volume Lidocaine 1ml

(Odgovor članu darkwebmarket)
Neposredna veza do poruke: 164
   Card cloning: How to protect your credit card...
11.4.2024 23:09:04   
Card cloning: How to protect your credit card from illegal activities
What is card cloning?
Card cloning, also known as credit card skimming, is a fraudulent practice that involves someone copying the information from the magnetic stripe of a credit or debit card. Fraudsters can then use this data to create a duplicate card to make unauthorized transactions. Cloned cards for sale

How does credit card cloning work?
Card cloning often involves the fraudster using a small device known as a skimmer. Criminals can install credit card skimmers on ATMs, point-of-sale terminals, or other card readers. When a card is swiped through the skimmer, it captures and stores all the information (e.g., card number and CVV code) from the card’s magnetic stripe.

Card cloning is a significant concern in the digital age, emphasizing the need for constant awareness and advanced security measures.


How to prevent card cloning
Preventing card cloning fraud involves several measures you, as a cardholder, can take to protect your financial information. Here are some key steps to help prevent card cloning:

Use EMV chip technology. Cards with EMV chips (those small metallic squares on newer cards) are much harder to clone than magnetic stripe cards. Always use the chip instead of swiping when possible. https://darkwebmarketbuyer.com/product/emv-shimmer-for-sale/
Regularly monitor your account statements. Frequently check your bank and credit card statements for unauthorized transactions.
Be cautious at ATMs and POS terminals. Inspect the ATM or POS terminal before using it. Look for signs of tampering, loose parts, or anything unusual.
Cover the keypad with your hand when entering your PIN to prevent hidden cameras from recording it.
Use contactless payments when possible. Contactless payments like Apple Pay, Google Pay, or other NFC-based technologies are encrypted and change your card information with each transaction, making it more secure.
Avoid using public Wi-Fi for financial transactions. Public Wi-Fi networks are less secure, making it easier for hackers to intercept your data.
Be wary of skimmers. Skimmers are devices thieves attach to ATMs or payment terminals to capture your card information. If something looks suspicious, don’t use that terminal.
Set up alerts. Most banks offer text or email alerts for transactions. Enable these so you’re notified of account activity.
Only make online purchases from secure websites. Look for “https” and the padlock symbol in the URL of the store you’re shopping at to identify such online shops.
Use strong, unique passwords for online banking. Avoid using the same password across multiple sites, and consider using a safe password manager like NordPass.
Report lost or stolen cards immediately. If your card gets lost or stolen, report it to your bank immediately to prevent fraud.
Shred personal documents. Shred documents that contain your card or personal information before disposing of them. Doing so keeps anyone going through your trash from being able to access that information.
Be skeptical of unsolicited calls or emails. Phishing attempts can trick you into giving away your card information. Only provide your card details over the phone or via email if you know the recipient’s identity.

Taking these precautions can significantly reduce the risk of your card being cloned and your financial information getting compromised. Remember that staying vigilant and aware of how you use your card is vital in preventing card cloning.

(Odgovor članu Manda Mare)
Neposredna veza do poruke: 165
   5 Key Differences: Credit Card vs. Debit Card...
23.4.2024 9:39:50   
5 Key Differences: Credit Card vs. Debit Card Compared
5 Key Differences: Credit Card vs. Debit Card Compared. Discover A 5 key differences between credit cards & debit cards. Learn how they differ in terms of payment methods. Security features. Rewards, & more.

Credit Card vs. Debit Card Compared
When looking at credit cards versus debit cards. There are several key differences that can impact your financial decisions. Understanding these variances can help you make more informed choices when it comes to managing your money. Buy cloned cards same day delivery

Rewards and Perks
Credit cards often come with various rewards programs and perks. Such as cash back. Travel points. Or discounts on purchases. These incentives can be appealing to consumers looking to maximize their spending. Debit cards. On the other hand. Typically do not offer the same level of rewards.

It’s essential to consider your spending habits and financial goals when deciding between a credit card with rewards and a debit card. If you are responsible with your credit card usage and can pay off your balance in full each month. You may benefit from taking advantage of rewards programs. Buy prepaid cards now

However. If you tend to carry a balance on your credit card or are prone to overspending. A debit card may be a better option to avoid accruing debt and interest charges.

Fraud Protection
Another key difference between credit cards and debit cards is the level of fraud protection offered. Credit cards typically provide more robust fraud protection measures compared to debit cards. In the event of unauthorized charges or identity theft. You are less likely to be held liable for fraudulent transactions on a credit card.

Debit cards. On the other hand. May have more limitations when it comes to fraud protection. If your debit card information is compromised. It can be more challenging to recover the stolen funds compared to a credit card.


It’s important to monitor your account activity regularly and report any suspicious transactions promptly to your financial institution to mitigate the risk of fraud.

Credit Card vs. Debit Card Compared
Impact on Credit Score
Using a credit card responsibly can have a positive impact on your credit score by demonstrating good payment history and responsible credit utilization. On the other hand. Debit card usage does not typically contribute to building or improving your credit score. As it does not involve borrowing money or making payments that are reported to credit bureaus.

If you are looking to establish or improve your credit score. Using a credit card strategically and making timely payments can help you achieve your financial goals. Be mindful of your credit utilization ratio and aim to keep your balances low relative to your credit limits to maintain a healthy credit profile. Buy low balance cloned cards

For more information on the differences between credit cards and debit cards. Visit

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For further insights into managing your finances and making informed decisions. You can visit

Discover A 5 key differences between credit cards & debit cards. Learn how they differ in terms of payment methods. Security features. Rewards, & more.

In conclusion. When comparing credit cards & debit cards. It is important To consider A key differences before deciding which one is right for you. Credit cards offer A convenience of being able To borrow money for purchases & potentially earn rewards. But they also come with A risk of accruing debt & interest charges. On A other hand. Debit cards allow you To spend only what you have in your account. Which can help you manage your finances more responsibly.

Ultimately. A choice between credit & debit cards depends on your individual financial goals & spending habits. Whichever option you choose. It’s important To use your card responsibly. Pay off balances in full each month, & monitor your accounts regularly for any fraudulent activity. By understanding A differences between credit & debit cards. You can make an informed decision that aligns with your financial needs & habits.

(Odgovor članu Manda Mare)
Neposredna veza do poruke: 166
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